"I think the best pictures are often on the edges of any situation,
I don't find photographing the situation nearly as interesting as
photographing the edges."
~William Albert Allard~
Two weeks ago I got up really early and meet Liz & Neal at the monuments for the opening of the cherry blossoms. We had a great time fighting for the perfect spot to take photos. I had no idea that it is so busy and that every other engaged couple had the same idea we did. We had a lot of fun even with it being a bit chilly. Here's a few of some of the shots.
This is a new place for me to keep you all up-to-date on the happenings in the photo and wedding world. Also a fun place to get to know your photographer a little bit better. I'm very excited about the changes that are coming this year and looking forward to photographing your wedding! Stay tuned as I start to become addicted to blogging!