"I think the best pictures are often on the edges of any situation,
I don't find photographing the situation nearly as interesting as
photographing the edges."
~William Albert Allard~
Alex's Bar Mitzvah was a lot of fun!! Let's just say that Alex can rock! You'll see below in the sneak peak images. Enjoy and Happy Holidays to all!! Click here to see slideshow~
David & Jamie were married on November 1st, 2008 at Intercontintal Harbor Court Hotel. It was a very small and intimate affair like none I've ever seen! Only family and a few very close friends were their to witness their vows and have an elegant dinner along with a three piece string quartet. It was a plasure seeing them again as I photographed Jamie's sisters wedding two years ago. Congrats David & Jamie! Click here to see their slideshow~
I had the pleasure of hanging out with Jessica & Shane last Sunday at Patapsco State Park in Elkridge, MD. It was perfect timing as the colors were incredible. It was a lot of fun exploring the park with these two and their smiles are infectious! I am really looking forward to their wedding day next year! Well, here are a few images from our afternoon~
I'm excited to announce that the Cheasepeak Bay Beach Club has used one of my images in a print ad. Here is the ad as it will appear for CBBC! Thanks CBBC, I always love working with you! If you don't know anything about CBBC check out their website and take a trip to view the site, they have an open house every Saturday from 9am-11am!
Jennie and Marc were married on the 25 of October at the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club in Stevensville, Maryland. The weather was looking very questionable until the clouds broke for their 11:00 ceremony! In fact the weather worked out great for us, we were able to get a lot of out door photos and also used the umbrellas that Jennie had brought. It was a great time! Congrats Jennie & Marc! Stay tuned for the slideshow~coming soon~
This is a new place for me to keep you all up-to-date on the happenings in the photo and wedding world. Also a fun place to get to know your photographer a little bit better. I'm very excited about the changes that are coming this year and looking forward to photographing your wedding! Stay tuned as I start to become addicted to blogging!